Stay Ahead of Attackers with a Free Tier 1 Penetration Test & Cybersecurity Assessment
How well are you safeguarding your blueprints, plans, and financing data?
Get a Free Test Now!75% of respondents in the construction, engineering, and infrastructure industries had experienced a cyber-incident within the last 12 months
Malicious connection attempts are blocked by Protected Harbor every day.
Malware files downloaded by clients were caught & removed without incident, last year.
Action logs have been recorded & analyzed by our AI system to create proactive threat detection.

Construction is the most at-risk industry in terms of vulnerabilities to phishing attacks.
Ransomware and malware directed at construction firms are particularly dangerous as highly confidential plans, blueprints, bids, financial information, and even personally identifiable information (PII) are usually stored within one system. Ensuring your systems and data are secure is no longer an option but an ethical and legal requirement.
Protected Harbor’s Penetration Testing includes: Vulnerability mapping, Endpoint threat detection, Malicious connection request, and Unsecured access points.
Effective IT security starts with a clear understanding of your vulnerabilities
- Calculate the level of compliance with regulations such as CMMC, GDPR, PCI-DSS, HIPAA and more
- Determine the probability of a ransomware attack using key indicators and ransomware controls
- Understand the risks posed by any third party in the supply chain
- Benchmark and compare best practices alongside industry peers

Are You Still Using Yesterday’s Solutions For Today’s Attacks?
Cybercriminals are smart. They’re creative. And they’re relentless in their search for the next tool, technique, or vulnerability that will help them achieve their aims.
43% of construction companies said they felt ill-prepared for a data breach. You did not get into construction or engineering to become a cybersecurity or data privacy, expert. It is time to prioritize your data security strategies.
Sign up for a free assessment, and get back to doing what you do best: helping others.
The number of days workdays lost to ransomware victims in construction.
of construction, executives have no cybersecurity measures in place.
Increase in data breaches within construction since 2019.
of data security breaches are due to human error and system failure.