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No organization understands high availability’s importance to application durability and uptime like our Protected Data Center. Network High Availability and fault tolerance applies to databases, file servers, gateway servers, and other networking services. We have helped clients design high-availability systems and launch cloud computing solutions to connect their offices, remote workers, and customers securely. Every update made and new service implemented is managed in such a way to avoid all productivity breaks and user interruptions.

Machines and server failures are common at some point, and infrastructure must be built to tolerate this inevitability. But what if a virtual server fails or has a single point of failure? What if the virtual server OS has a crash or corruption? Protected Harbor utilizes a multi-layer load balancing and guest clustering approach to achieve a wide variety of highly available configurations, including disaster recovery.

Scalability is key to the success of any business. When you start to scale, you must consider that your system will become more vulnerable to outages. Therefore, you must focus on climbing in a way that does not put your business at risk. How do you do this? Through High Availability!

High Availability
High Availability for IT Operations
The term “High Availability” (HA) in IT operations refers to a system (a network, a server array or cluster, etc.) that avoids service interruptions by limiting or managing failures and eliminating planned downtime.
When life, health, and well-being (including economic well-being) are on the line, a system is expected to be highly available.
System or component availability is measured as a percentage of annual uptime in information technology. These availability percentages are commonly referred to in Service Level Agreements (SLAs) to determine billing. The goal of the highest levels of service availability is dubbed “five nines” – 99.999% availability, based on the unattainable ideal of 100 percent availability as a baseline.
The Science of High Availability
In addition to the redundancy, application delivery control at this level allows for horizontally scalable applications by distributing the load across many smaller virtual servers, each exchange management shell contributing to a single shared application.


Some examples of HA applications we are familiar with:


  • Microsoft Exchange Server
  • Remote Desktop Services
  • File and Storage Services
  • SQL Server AlwaysOn Availability Groups
  • IIS Farm
High Availability

Not All Availability Are the Same

Redundancy is More Important for Critical IT Workloads
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High Availability is Crucial for Your IT

High Availability architecture refers to an IT system, component, or application’s capacity to operate at a high level, without interruption, for a set amount of time. Various layers (physical, data link, network, transport, session, presentation, and application) have different software requirements in a High Availability IT system.

Protected Harbor’s High Availability and fault tolerance infrastructure provides excellent service and handles a wide range of loads and faults with little or no downtime.

High-Availability Management 

Only extensive planning and constant monitoring can ensure High Availability.

Identifying services that must be available for business continuity and those that should be available is a solid beginning point for High Availability planning.

It’s also crucial deciding how far your organization is willing to go to ensure availability for each level of service. Budget, employee skills, and overall tolerance for service interruptions should all be considered.

Next, you will list the systems or components that make up each service and their potential failure sites, including cloud computing services. Each failure site should be checked with a failure tolerance baseline set and a monitoring frequency defined.

High Availability Management

Protected Benefits


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