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Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) technology enable threat detection, compliance, and security incident management by gathering and analyzing security events plus a wide range of other event and contextual data sources in real-time as well as in the past. A wide range of log event collecting and administration, the capacity to analyze log events and other data from various sources, and operational capabilities make up the essential competencies (such as incident management, dashboards, and reporting).

Not to Replace Your Current Systems
Simplify and Lower the Cost and Complexity of Threat Detection and Response
The first—and frequently the only—line of defense for any organization anywhere in the world is an IT solution provider. In today’s cybersecurity market, preventive protection measures are needed, whether managing mom-and-pop businesses or high-profile clients. SIEM systems provide your clients a further layer of security. Still, most SIEM solutions are frequently expensive to deploy, challenging to operate, and require substantial in-house cybersecurity experience.
Why is SIEM Important?
SIEM, which combines Security Information Management (SIM) and Security Event Management (SEM), provides real-time event monitoring and analysis as well as tracking and logging of security data for compliance or auditing needs.


Simply said, SIEM is a security tool that aids companies in identifying potential security flaws and threats before they have a chance to interfere with daily operations. For security and compliance management use cases, it surfaces user behavior anomalies and employs artificial intelligence to automate many manual processes related to threat identification and incident response. It has become a mainstay in contemporary Security Operation Centers (SOCs).


Over time, SIEM has developed into something more than the log management technologies that came before it. Thanks to the power of AI and machine learning, SIEM now provides advanced User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA). It is a very effective data orchestration solution for handling constantly changing risks and reporting and regulatory compliance.

SIEM Important
Malicious Connections Blocked Daily
Standard Procedures
Managed SIEM Service

Security teams can identify, prioritize, and react to threats throughout the company with the aid of Protected Harbor’s SIEM. It automatically combines and analyzes log and flow data from hundreds of devices, endpoints, and apps throughout your network. It is a critical component of your XDR and zero-trust strategy, giving single, prioritized alerts to hasten incident analysis and resolution. Both on-premises and cloud environments can use our SIEM.

Fuel Business With SIEM

Delivering Clients Improved Security Information & Event Management (SIEM) With More Robust Layers of Security.
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Protected Harbor’s SIEM Reimagined 

However, a SIEM is only as good as the data put into it and how simple it is to consume. Traditional SIEMs find value in the consolidation and correlation of security event data.

Our managed SIEM concept focuses on the cutting-edge Unified Security Management (USM) platform, which combines many crucial security capabilities in a unified console to support early detection, fewer false positives, and quicker reaction.

  • Cloud (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform)
  • Vulnerability assessment
  • Endpoint detection and response
  • Threat intelligence
  • Traditional event and log sources
  • Asset discovery
  • Network IDS
  • Host IDS
  • File integrity monitoring
SIEM Reimagined
SIEM As a Service

What is Security Incident Event Management (SIEM)? Simply put, SIEM software gathers data from the many technologies in your system, watches over and examines that data for deviations and potential security dangers, and then takes the necessary countermeasures against those threats.

SIEM was designed for watching over whole IT networks and odd behavior or abnormal activity that could affect an organization’s internal or external systems.

Because SIEM systems are so good at what they do, enterprises of all kinds have started using them to defend against ransomware, SQL injection assaults, and other complex and persistent threats to their systems.

Protected Benefits