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Protected Harbor offers diverse cutting-edge desktop virtualization solutions that cater to businesses of all types and sizes. Our Virtual Apps and Desktops solution revolutionizes Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI), making it effortlessly accessible and cost-effective. With this powerful tool, users can enjoy the ultimate host server experience, granting them secure and comprehensive access to all the essential applications they require to thrive in the modern digital workplace.

When seamlessly integrated with the innovative Protected Harbor Workspace, our solution becomes the ultimate catalyst for remote working, empowering employees to remain productive and connected from anywhere. Say goodbye to limitations and embrace the freedom of remote environments powered by our exceptional desktops service and advanced virtual machine technology.

Next Gen Desktop
Next-Gen Desktop Virtualization
Simply described, VDI is a desktop virtualization environment. Desktop (or client) virtualization is similar to server virtualization but applies to end-user computers. Virtualization separates the remote workers’ desktop environment from the existing system on which it appears. Client-server computing is an example of virtualization. The virtualized desktop is stored on a central server rather than the virtual machine.


This allows desktop users to access their desktops service from any device, such as a laptop or a home computer. Client virtualization has security benefits in addition to enabling flexibility. For example, it’s far easier for IT to remove company data from a host server or user’s machine if lost or stolen.

Why Protected Harbor for Your Virtual Desktop Infrastructure?
We have one of the most comprehensive VDI portfolios in the business. It includes a wide range of client remote working and data center solutions, services, and products from key technology partners. The sheer breadth of the portfolio allows you unprecedented options in finding a bespoke virtualization desktop infrastructure solution that meets your organization’s needs, whether delivered on-premises, off-premises, or from the cloud. Protected Harbor is the quickest on-ramp to virtual desktop infrastructure because it offers one-stop shopping for whole virtual desktop environments.
Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
Virtual Servers
Network Flow Records Inspected Daily
Workflow Events Logged Everyday
Increase Efficiency & Security

Allow users or remote workers to access their desktops service and programs from any location, anytime, on any device. Without causing user disruption, quickly install and scale new or updated applications and desktop operating systems.

Keep data, virtual desktops, and applications in your secure data center and control to protect your IP under the policy. Experience efficient and streamlined operations with Protected Harbor Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI). Benefit from centralized management, seamless operating system deployment, and a robust connection broker for a cohesive and productive virtual workspace environment.

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure to Power Your Workspace

Transform Your Workspace and Empower Your Team.
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Who Can Use VDI? 

During the pandemic’s forced lockdown, many businesses quickly embraced VDI to enable remote working. Enterprises may administer and update virtual infrastructures from a centralized server and offer remote access to the user’s workspace.
Remote workers, contractors, shift/task users, instructors, students, healthcare professionals, salespeople, call centers, and other users can use Virtualization solutions to access their remote desktops from any place. You can deploy persistent or non-persistent VDIs depending on use case scenarios, nature of work, and user needs.

End to End Managed Virtual Desktop Services

The Protected Harbor VDS offers the best of both worlds, combining the ease and speed of a cloud solution with the security of on-prem. It delivers an easy-to-use, intuitive interface and centralized management to help your organization stay organized and productive. The VDS also offers flexible licensing so you can try it risk-free.

Design, scaling, security, updates, patches, management, and any other desktop-related activities are all handled by Protected Harbor. With our fully managed virtual desktop environment and host server, you can concentrate on your primary activities. Our job doesn’t end with setting up your VDI environment; we also provide ongoing technical assistance, audits, and checks to diagnose and troubleshoot any issues.

Protected Benefits